Corona carbon 2+2 drawer chest.
Corona antique and Carbon waxed furniture offers a fresh new variation on a proven favourite design. We have taken the design elements of Corona and given it a refreshing modern makeover with a simple line drawer moulding, attractive gunmetal hardware, chunky pine tops and a shaker style moulded plinth. Constructed from solid pine & pine plywood, Corona Carbon also features real dovetail drawers and raised & fielded panel doors, a true sign of quality and craftsmanship.
Assembled Size: 910w x 470d x 1038hTags: corona, corona carbon, corona 2+2 drawer chest, corona carbon 2+2 drawer chest, corona chest of drawers, corona carbon chest of drawers, corona chest, corona chests, corona carbon chest, corona carbon chests, chest, chests, chest of drawers, carbon chest, carbon chests, carbon chest of drawers, 2+2 drawer chest, 2+2 drawer chests, carbon 2+2 drawer chest, carbon 2+2 drawer chests, (CP), (CP)